My legal career has been dedicated to civil service and helping people. After clerking for a Nevada Supreme Court justice and Nevada district court judge, I joined the Nevada Attorney General’s Office in 2000 and could not have found a better job! From 2000 to 2006, I represented numerous state agencies and gained a vast amount of civil litigation experience, from administrative matters to arguments before the Nevada Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Starting in 2007, I gained valuable leadership and courtroom experience while serving as the Assistant District Attorney in two district attorneys’ offices, prosecuting more than 40 criminal jury trials.
I returned to the Nevada Attorney General’s Office in 2015 and enjoy leading a team of professionals as chief of the Consumer Protection Division. Our unit is relatively small, but we accomplish a lot in the areas of complex consumer protection, antitrust, and multistate and intrastate litigation, as well as outreach and education. Consumer protection is a unique area and particularly suited for a team approach. My team and I have enjoyed working and becoming friends with our colleagues in other states’ consumer protection divisions. Our collective team efforts have and continue to see great accomplishments for the states, and more importantly, protection for consumers.
The Nevada Attorney General’s Office has and continues to be a rewarding career. I am gaining additional experience and knowledge in multiple areas of the law every day. I have authored numerous pieces of legislation, regulations, legal opinions, ordinances, municipal codes, and have even been a contributing author for an educational coursebook regarding forensic interviewing of victims of child abuse.
I grew up in Northern Virginia and went to undergraduate school in Louisiana and Wisconsin, and law school in California. While I have enjoyed every place I have lived, Nevada is truly home. I stay active and particularly enjoy bike riding around Lake Tahoe. I also enjoy living so close to wildlife and having deer (and bear and coyotes) in my yard from time to time. I wish you all an opportunity to visit our great state!
Other articles in this edition include:
- Attorney General Consumer Protection News: November 2022
- Federal Consumer Protection News: November 2022
- Shedding Light on Dark Patterns: Protecting Consumers from Digital Deception