Each year, the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) presents awards to attorneys general, attorney general staff, and NAAG staff who have demonstrated exemplary achievements and service to the mission of the organization. Award recipients are nominated and selected by their peers of attorneys general and/or attorney general staff.
Miller-Wasden Unity Award
Established in 2022, this award is presented to the attorney general or attorneys general who are recognized for their unifying efforts across the attorney general community. Learn more about the Miller-Wasden Unity Award and its recipients.

Kelley-Wyman Memorial Award
As the Association's most coveted annual award, the Kelley-Wyman Memorial Award is given to the attorney general who has done the most to advance the objectives of NAAG that year. Learn more about the Kelley-Wyman Memorial Award and past recipients.
Senior Staff of the Year Award
The Attorney General Senior Staff of the Year Award is given to a member of an attorney general's management staff who has distinguished himself or herself by providing exceptional service to NAAG and the nation's attorneys general through exemplary leadership, expertise, and achievement. Learn more about the Senior Staff of the Year Award and past recipients.

Attorney General Career Staff Award
The Attorney General Career Staff of the Year Award is given to a career employee in an attorney general’s office who has distinguished himself or herself by providing exceptional service to NAAG and the nation's attorneys general through exemplary expertise and achievement. Learn more about the Attorney General Career Staff Award and past recipients.
Outstanding NAAG Faculty Award
The Outstanding NAAG Faculty Award annually to one or more faculty members who have significantly contributed to developing and presenting quality NAAG training programs to their counterparts in attorneys general offices. Learn more about the Outstanding NAAG Faculty Award and past recipients.

Best Brief Award
The Best Brief Awards honor the appellate practitioners from state attorney general offices who have exhibited superb work in representing their states before the U.S. Supreme Court. Learn more about the Best Brief Award and past recipients.
Laurie Loveland Award
Given to a member of an attorney general’s staff who has evidenced leadership, collaboration and perseverance in advancing the collective work of the states on tobacco-related issues and who embodies the creativity, dedication and commitment of the award’s namesake. Learn more about the Laurie Loveland Award and past recipients.
Francis X. Bellotti Award
The Francis X. Bellotti Award is given each year to a former attorney general who has served the Society of Attorneys General Emeritus (SAGE) and worked diligently to further NAAG’s vision and mission. Learn more about the Francis X. Bellotti Award and past recipients.
NAAG Executive Director Award
The NAAG Executive Director Award is presented annually to a NAAG staff member who has distinguished himself or herself by providing exceptional service to NAAG and the nation's attorneys general through exemplary leadership, expertise, and achievement. Learn more about the NAAG Executive Director Award and past recipients.