Corporate and Government Responsibility to Protect Data and Assist Law Enforcement
This article will examine the current state of affairs with respect to protecting data and make some recommendations about how to ensure that corporations and government institutions take their role seriously to protect citizens’ personal information.
Overcoming Hurdles to Secure Evidence from Social Media Companies in Cybercrime Investigations and Prosecutions
This article identifies primary hurdles international prosecutors face when attempting to collect evidence of a crime from social media companies and offers some recommendations to help reduce cybercrime.
Global Cooperative Efforts to Prevent Cybercrime
Cybercrime is constantly becoming more sophisticated and neither criminal laws, best practices, nor policies addressing cross-border cybercrime have kept up with it.
Protecting the Public and Vulnerable Populations from Fraudulent Scams on Social Media
Lilianne Daniel, Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey; Alberto De Puy, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General of the State of Louisiana; Ye’ela Harel, Senior Deputy, State’s Attorney’s Cybercrime Unit, Ministry of Justice, Israel; Sang Hyun Kim, Senior Prosecutor, Cybercrime Investigation, Department of Seoul Eastern District Prosecutor’s Office, South Korea; Dufie…