Newman v. Vance, 922 P.2d 395, 129 Idaho 98 (Idaho 1996)

A county prosecutor asked the Attorney General for assistance in prosecuting three murders. The Attorney General agreed to provide assistance, but stated that he would be the final decision-maker on the case. The prosecutor declined the assistance because she wanted to retain control of the case. The Attorney General then sought to take over the…

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Wasden v. State Board of Land Commissioners, 280 P.3d 693 (Id. 2012).

Idaho’s Board of Land Commissioners (of which the Attorney General is a member) is the trustee for state “endowment” lands, the revenues from which are to be used to support public schools and other public institutions. Several hundred “cottage sites” (land leased for residential purposes) are on endowment lands. In most situations, if two or…

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