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Start: October 19

End: October 20

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The Peabody Memphis
149 Union Ave
Memphis, TN 38103 United States
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October 19-20, 2021
Memphis, TN

The Chief Deputies / Chiefs of Staff Meeting is an annual program for senior officials in the attorney general offices. It will be held October 19 and 20, 2021 in Memphis, TN. This meeting serves as a networking opportunity while covering current topics that are relevant to the role of chief deputies/chiefs of staff. The conference will commence on October 19 at 9:00 a.m. CT and conclude on October 20 at approximately noon CT.


More information on the speakers will be available soon.


This meeting is only open to senior officials in the attorney general offices. This meeting will be hosted in accordance with the latest government mandates and health organization guidance. More specific information related to this meeting will be outlined in an email to attendees in October 2021. 

Please email Erika Rudiger at with any questions. View instructions on how to register.

Scholarships Available

NAAG will provide scholarships for two chief deputy/chief of staff level personnel from each office. The scholarship will cover:

  • Roundtrip transportation
  • Hotel lodging
  • Per-diem travel meals
  • Transportation between airport and hotel

Attendees should not book their own travel and lodging. NAAG will coordinate travel logistics after the registration process is complete.

CLE Credit

NAAG will apply for CLE for attendees eligible under CLE accrediting body guidelines.