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Start: September 30

End: October 1

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Taking the Politics Out of Hate: 2021 NAAG Presidential Summit

Sept. 30 – Oct. 1, 2021
Washington, D.C.

Join NAAG and the attorney general community on September 30 and October 1 in Washington, DC for the 2021 NAAG Presidential Summit: Taking the Politics out of Hate. Hosted by NAAG President and District of Columbia Attorney General Karl A. Racine as part of his 2021 NAAG Presidential Initiative “The People v. Hate: Standing Up for Humanity,” this summit will focus on uniting state and territory attorneys general to counter hate and hate-related violence nationwide.

With the number of reported hate crimes nationwide reaching their highest point in 12 years, it is a stark reminder of how serious the threat is. Preventing hate incidents and crimes, and protecting communities should be issues we can all agree on and work together to address. By taking the politics out of hate, lowering the tenor, and seeing the common humanity that all of us share, we can then seek ways to unite and work together to stop hate and injustice.

The summit will bring together attorneys general, law enforcement officers, government officials, advocates, subject matter experts, and private sector leaders to discuss bipartisan solutions to raise awareness of hate and related violence, prevent hate from taking root in our communities, and support those who have experienced hate. The event will feature historical case studies highlighting the importance of uniting to address hate and panels discussing solutions that can result from partnering with communities and building innovative law enforcement approaches to address hate.

View the Agenda

Featured Speakers

  • Bill Baxley, former Alabama attorney general
    • While serving as attorney general for Alabama, he successfully prosecuted a member of a splinter group of the Ku Klux Klan in the cold case of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham on September 15, 1963.
  • Doug Jones, former U.S. senator and former U.S. attorney
    • While serving as a U.S. attorney for Alabama, he successfully prosecuted two members of the Ku Klux Klan for their roles in the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.
  • Sarah Collins-Rudolph
    • Author, public speaker, and survivor of the 16th Street Baptist church bombing in 1963.
  • John W. Franklin, Cultural historian focused on the intertwined history of race and overlapping cultures in the U.S. and the Americas, including at the Smithsonian until 2019; managing member of Franklin Global LLC which helps organizations better understand this history. His grandfather survived the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921.
  • Mike Turpenformer Oklahoma attorney general


The summit will be hosted in accordance with the latest government mandates and health organization guidance. More specific information related to this meeting will be outlined in an email to attendees in September 2021. In the meantime, please review the latest guidance from the District of Columbia.


Registration is closed. No on-site registration will be offered. Other government (non-attorney general staff) and non-profit professionals should contact Emily Parsons before registering to receive the discounted rate. Please email Emily Parsons at eparsons@naag.org with any questions.

In-Person Attendance

Category Registration Fee
 Attorneys General  Complimentary
 Attorney General Staff  $350
 Government/Nonprofit (Contact Emily  Parsons at eparsons@naag.org)  $550
 General Admission  $850

Virtual Attendance

Category Registration Fee
 Attorneys General  Complimentary
 Attorney General Staff  $150
 Government/Nonprofit  $250
 General Admission  $350


** If you have created your NAAG account and do not see the correct pricing listed, please make sure you have entered your organization under your profile. Attorney general staff will need to wait until after your account is verified by your office before being able to register for this event. **

NAAG has reserved a room block at the host hotel. Hotel information will be shared with registrants with their event confirmation.

Cancellation Policy

If you would like to request a registration cancellation or refund, please contact Emily Parsons at eparsons@naag.org for more information.

CLE Credit

NAAG will apply for CLE for attendees eligible under CLE accrediting body guidelines.