November 2, 2022 – 8:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. (AGO Staff Only)
November 2, 2022 – Beginning with lunch, panels are open to public registrants, as is an evening reception (AGO Staff & Members of the Public)
November 3-4, 2022 (AGO Staff Only)
Washington Marriott Georgetown
Washington, DC
This conference is hosted by the NAGTRI Center for Consumer Protection.
This year’s NAAG Consumer Protection Fall Conference will be held in Washington, DC at the Washington Marriott Georgetown from November 2–4, 2022. The conference aims to address pressing and relevant consumer protection issues facing attorney general offices. We plan to keep this webpage updated with the most current public agenda.
The public portion of the conference is on Wednesday, from 11:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m., wherein the private, nonprofit, and government sectors are invited to attend and includes lunch and an evening reception. The public agenda includes a panel of current and former attorneys general, and sessions on state data privacy laws, independent monitors, and consumer protection legislation, rulemaking, and case updates. For attorney general staff, the conference begins the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 2, with registration and breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 1:15 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4. Wednesday morning and Thursday’s and Friday’s sessions are open to attorney general office staff only.
In-Person Registration
 Category |  Registration Fee |
Attorneys General of NAAG Member Offices | Â Complimentary |
Attorney General Staff | Â $600 |
General Admission (Public Day) | Â $450 |
Nonprofit Staff (Public Day)* | Â $250 |
*Email Amy Jackson at ajackson@naag.org for a discount code to receive the nonprofit rate.
The regular registration deadline for in-person attendees is Friday, Oct. 21, 2022. There will be a $100 late fee for public day registrations made after this time.
Virtual Registration – Nov. 3 – AGO Staff Only
 Category |  Registration Fee |
Attorneys General of NAAG Member Offices | Â Complimentary |
Attorney General Staff of NAAG Member Offices | Â Complimentary |
Attorney General Staff of Non-NAAG Member Offices | Â $100 |
Programming on Thursday, Nov. 3 will also be offered virtually for attorney general staff. This will be at no cost to NAAG member staff, but virtual attendees will still need to register.
Virtual Registration for AG Staff
*If you have created your NAAG account and do not see the correct pricing listed, please make sure you have entered your organization under your profile. Attorney general staff will need to wait until after your account is verified by your office before being able to register for this event.
The room block is closed.
CLE Credit
NAAG will apply for CLE for eligible attendees per CLE accrediting body guidelines.
Accessible Event Planning
Please complete the Accessibility Request Form to request accommodations for this event.