2022 Public Information Officer Seminar
Start: May 9
End: May 11
Event Category
Annual Meeting
- Cecilia Dakers
- Email:
- cdakers@naag.org
- Catamaran Resort Hotel
3999 Mission Blvd
San Diego, CA 92109 United States + Google Map
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May 9-11, 2022
Catamaran Resort Hotel
San Diego, CA
Public information officers (PIOs) and communications staff from attorney general offices are invited to join NAAG and NAGTRI for the 2022 Public Information Officer Seminar.
This seminar offers a unique opportunity for PIOs and communications staff to sharpen their professional skills, exchange information and best practices with peers, and build networks to improve communications between offices.
The agenda will include sessions on multistate communications, visual media, public communications, social media, big tech, and opioids. The program will begin on the afternoon of Monday, May 9 and end by noon on Wednesday, May 11.
Scholarship Nominations
Nominations will be due by Friday, March 18.
This training is a closed session for attorney general staff only. NAAG will provide a limited number of scholarships to selected participants to participate in the training. Offices are not guaranteed a slot, though NAAG makes every effort to accept nominees from as many attorney general offices as possible. Please contact Cecilia Dakers at cdakers@naag.org or Zayn Hasan at zhasan@naag.org if you have any questions.
Contact your nominator: If you are interested in attending this conference, click the button below and follow the instructions to contact your office’s NAAG Nominator and submit your interest.
Paid Registration
If your office is able to pay for your PIO’s attendance (i.e., you do not need a NAAG scholarship), OR if multiple people from your office wish to attend, please contact NAAG Chief Communications Officer Allison Gilmore for a separate application form and registration fee.
Healthy & Safety
NAAG will be following the rules and guidelines provided by the hotel and local (and/or other applicable) jurisdiction.
More specific information related to the COVID protocols in place for this training will be outlined in an email to attendees prior to the training. In the meantime, please review the latest guidance from the state of California.