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Start: December 9

End: December 11

Event Category


Amy Jackson


Capital Hilton
1001 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20036 United States
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Join us for our annual Capital Forum!

This annual event allows state and territory attorneys general an opportunity to engage with federal officials, discuss important policy issues, and learn about the latest state and federal legal developments.

The program will include sessions on the following topics:

  • This year’s presidential initiative: America’s Youth: AGs Looking Out for the Next Generation
  • Recent actions against unauthorized nicotine delivery products
  • Pursuing public health claims
  • Cyber and technology
  • Supreme Court Update
  • Ethics

An agenda will be posted when available.


  • December 9 | Programming
  • December 9 | Evening | Supreme Court Reception (RSVP required)
  • December 10 | Programming
  • December 10 | Evening | SAGE Reception, General Reception, and Awards Dinner (RSVP required)
  • December 11 | Programming

Registration Fees

Early Registration Regular RegistrationOnsite Registration
Ends November 18Ends December 6Starts December 7
Attorneys General or designee + 1 StaffComplimentaryComplimentary
Attorney General Staff $895$995$2,000

NAAG has secured a limited number of rooms at The Capital Hilton. The rooms will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis and will close when the block is full or on November 18, whichever comes first. BOOK YOUR ROOM

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

NAAG will apply for CLE per accrediting body guidelines upon request. After the conclusion of the event, please complete the CLE Request Form.

Accessibility Planning

If you identify as a person with a disability and would like to request reasonable accommodations for this event, please complete the Accessibility Request Form