This program is hosted by the NAAG Center for Supreme Court Advocacy.
November 16-17, 2021
Washington, DC
The course will be taught by state solicitors general, private practitioners with extensive appellate experience, appellate attorneys for the federal government, and judges. The objective of the training is to provide practical insights on writing effective appellate briefs and making effective oral argument. The focus of this program is appellate practice before the federal courts of appeals and state supreme courts. Panels of leading appellate practitioners and appellate judges will discuss the “dos and don’ts” of appellate brief-writing and oral argument and a leading legal writing instructor will provide effective brief writing techniques.
The training will commence on November 16 at 8:00 a.m. ET and conclude on November 17 at approximately 12:20 p.m. ET.
To be announced.
Scholarship Nominations
Nominations will be due by Friday, September 24, 2021.
NAGTRI is pleased to offer space for one participant per jurisdiction to attend this training. All office nominators are encouraged to submit up to two nominees, with a guaranteed acceptance of the first ranked individual.
This training is a closed session for attorneys general and attorney general staff only. This training is recommended for junior members of attorneys general office, those with less than five years of appellate experience.
Contact your nominator: If you are interested in attending this conference, click the button below and follow the instructions to contact your office’s NAAG Nominator and submit your interest.
CLE Credit
NAGTRI will apply for CLE for attendees eligible under CLE accrediting body guidelines.