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Date: March 26

Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Event Category




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Are citizen militias protected by the U.S. Constitution? In support of the 2021 NAAG Presidential Initiative “The People v. Hate,” Mary McCord, executive director of the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown University Law Center, will discuss the history of the Second Amendment and its interpretation by the Supreme Court not to protect unauthorized and unaccountable civilian militias. Professor McCord will also discuss how state law tools can be used by  jurisdictions to combat the threat from armed private militia groups.


  • Mary McCord, Executive Director, Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP), Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center


Registration is closed. Please contact Emily Parsons at eparsons@naag.org if you have any questions.

CLE Credit

NAGTRI will apply for 60 minutes of general CLE for attendees eligible under CLE accrediting body guidelines.