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Date: February 14

Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (EST)

Event Category


Emma Shaw

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Hosted in Conjunction with the National Association of State Charities Officials (NASCO)

Over the past few years colleges and universities have closed their doors due to declining enrollment, resulting in financial distress. The National Association of State Charity Officials has partnered with NAAG to address a host of issues this situation poses for charity regulators. 

Topics include:

  • How should the closing college dispose of its restricted assets?
  • How will the college ensure that enrolled students can complete their degrees?
  • What happens to the endowment if a college goes into Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
  • Should the college merge with a for-profit company?


  • Diane P. Cragg, Deputy Attorney General, California Attorney General’s Office
  • Peggy Farber, Assistant Attorney General, Charities Bureau, New York Attorney General’s Office


Non-Attorney General Office Government Charity Regulators Registration

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

For attendees participating in the live virtual event, NAAG will apply for CLE per accrediting body guidelines upon request. After the conclusion of the webinar, please complete the CLE Request Form.

Accessibility Planning

If you identify as a person with a disability and would like to request reasonable accommodations for this event, please complete the Accessibility Request Form.