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Start: April 22

End: April 23

Event Category


Erjona Fatusha


Westgate Hotel
1055 Second Ave
San Diego, CA 92101 United States

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Hosted by the National Association of Attorneys General Center for Tobacco and Public Health, in collaboration with its Tobacco Retailing Working Group.

This conference is limited to state attorney general staff, public health organizations, local and state health departments, other public health-focused entities and agencies. Tobacco retailers and related organizations have been invited to join on the second day, April 23.

Panel Topics

  • Tobacco at the Point of Sale
  • Tobacco Marketing
  • Youth Tobacco Enforcement Challenges
  • The Tobacco Assurances of Voluntary Compliance
  • Other evolving tobacco and nicotine-focused topics, and related issues


There is no registration fee to attend the TPRR conference. Remote and in-person attendance is available. Breakfast, coffee service, and lunch will be provided at the conference for all in-person attendees.

The deadline for registration is March 21, 2025.


If you have created your NAAG account and do not see the correct pricing listed, please make sure you have entered your organization under your profile. If this is the first time setting up your account, it may take up to 24-hours after you have created your account before you can register for this event.

Room Block

The room block rate is $239/night+tax. If you are interested in booking one of these rooms, please reach out to Erjona Fatusha (efatusha@naag.org) at your earliest convenience, and no later than March 21.

Scholarship Requests

Scholarship requests are due February 28, 2025.

NAAG will provide a limited number of scholarships to each attorney general office to participate in the conference. In lieu of nominations, we are asking attorney general office staff to express their interest in scholarships. Offices are not guaranteed a slot, though NAAG makes every effort to accept requests from as many attorney general offices as possible. Priority will be given to attorney general offices that participate in the Center for Tobacco and Public Health Retailing Working Group. If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, click on the button below.


Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

CLE is not available for this event.

Accessibility Planning

If you identify as a person with a disability and would like to request reasonable accommodations for this event, please complete the Accessibility Request Form.