Masterclass | Mastering Hearsay


This webinar will demystify hearsay and empower you to navigate hearsay issues at trial. We'll provide a comprehensive overview of what is – and isn’t – hearsay, discuss the evidentiary rules governing hearsay and the rationale behind them, and offer tips for anticipating, making, and meeting hearsay objections.

Anatomy of a Complex Consumer Protection Case Training

The Nines 525 SW Morrison Street, Portland, OR, United States

This training is open to attorney general staff only.  Scholarship nominations are due Friday, May 10, 2024. This intensive three-and-one-half-day program is intended to enhance the participant’s knowledge and skills in a constructive and positive learning environment facilitated by experienced faculty attorneys. The program’s primary goal is to afford participants the opportunity to successfully navigate…

State Solicitors General and Appellate Chiefs Conference

Chicago, Illinois

The conference will provide a forum where state solicitors general and appellate chiefs can exchange ideas and obtain information to help improve each state’s appellate practice. This training is open to attorney general staff only. Scholarship Nominations Nominations are due Friday, May 10, 2024. NAAG will provide a limited number of scholarships to selected participants.…

2024 Information Technology Seminar

Oklahoma City Oklahoma City, OK, United States

This program is intended for attorney general office attorneys who represent the state and its citizens in antitrust matters. The annual seminar provides training on issues of interest to state antitrust enforcers typically not addressed in more general antitrust programs.

Masterclass | Review of the 2023 Supreme Court Term


Two current and former State Solicitors General will discuss the cases the U.S. Supreme Court decided this Term of most interest to state governments. Among the topics are the Second Amendment, presidential immunity, the Chevron doctrine, and abortion.

Ethical Duty of Competence in Technology | What Lawyers Need to Know


In 2012, the ABA revised Rule 1.1 on “competent representation,” amending Comment 8 to include a duty for lawyers to “keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology.” Since then, 40 states have adopted an ethical duty of competence in technology for lawyers.

Core Leadership Competencies for First Line & Mid-Level Managers

Hilton Miami Downtown 1601 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL, United States

This course establishes the leadership development groundwork for new to mid-level managers, including attorneys, investigators, and administrative personnel. Drawing upon case studies, colleague experiences, short lectures, group discussions, and self-assessments, the program applies leadership principles and practices to real, everyday issues. Topics include: The role of the manager Setting goals, roles, and accountabilities Tips for…

Victims Services Providers Training

Boston, Mass

For victims, recapping traumatic events in front of different actors can trigger re-victimization. Therefore, working with victims requires meaningful attention to ensure they remain the driving force in the direction of the case while protecting their improved recovery and healing. This training program is designed for victim service providers in a management role in entities…

Developing an Effective Case Strategy


This webinar will consider how to develop and utilize an effective case strategy from the outset of a case and then identify how prosecutors can apply that theory to prosecution.

2024 Presidential Initiative Summit

The Nines 525 SW Morrison Street, Portland, OR, United States

The Summit is the centerpiece of a year-long focus that began last December at the NAAG Capital Forum on three topics pertaining to our nation’s youth. It will tap leading experts from across the country, attorneys general, businesses —and young people! This initiative is advancing important national conversations, policy recommendations, and information sharing. Don’t miss out!