Alaska Sport Fishing Ass’n v. Exxon Corp., 34 F.3d 769 (9th Cir. 1994)
State filed parens actions pursuant to environmental law for damages from Exxon Valdez oil spill. Private plaintiffs challenged the state and federal governments’ claims, arguing that they should be able to recover damages for loss of use, while the government recovers damages for remediation. Court held that there was no intention in the statute to…
Tesoro Petroleum v. State, No. S-9379 (Alaska S. Ct. Feb.15, 2002)
The Attorney General initiated an antitrust investigation into anticompetitive practices in the fuel industry in the state, and retained outside counsel to assist with that investigation. The written contract between the state and outside counsel referred to him as an “independent contractor.” The state issued a CID to Tesoro, which Tesoro challenged as overbroad. Tesoro…