Louisiana v. Zealandia Holding Company, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 48356 (E.D. La. April 8, 2014).
The attorney general brought a parens patriae action in state court against a points-based vacation club alleging violations of Louisiana’s Unfair Trade Practices Act and promotional contests statutes. The attorney general sought rescission of the club memberships and restitution of the fees paid by Louisiana citizens who participated. Defendants removed the case to federal court,…
State ex rel. Caldwell v. Allstate Insurance Co., Inc., 536 F.3d 418 (5th cir. 2008)
The state of Louisiana, represented by the Attorney General through private counsel, sued a number of insurance companies, alleging that they conspired to suppress competition in the recoveries by policy holders in Louisiana, in violation of Louisiana’s Monopolies Act. Defendants removed the case to federal court under the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA), and the…
State of Louisiana ex rel. Caldwell v. Allstate Insurance Co., Inc. 536 F.3d 418 (5th Cir. 2008).
The court held that the company had “failed to articulate any basis for the request for anonymity other than an inchoate concern that there might be negative publicity attendant upon an open challenge to the Attorney General’s CID.” The court held that the mere fact of receiving a CID did not “give rise to a…
State v. Gulfport Energy Corp., 2012 La. App. LEXIS 1384 (Nov. 7, 2012).
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (DWF) hired outside counsel to file suit against an energy company, alleging the company had disturbed oyster beds with dredging operations and owed approximately $3 million in damages. The trial court agreed with the energy company that DWF lacked the capacity to file a tort suit to recover…