Case Details

Year Initiated/Committed


Year Resolved


Settlement Amount

$110,835 in administrative costs and reimbursements


Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida

Docket Number

SOKC - 92-2466-CA16K

Lead State


Participating States



Florida Jai-Alai, Inc.; Seminole Racing, Inc.; Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club, Inc

Case Description

The State of Florida sought injunctive relief, alleging that Florida Jai-Alai, Inc., Seminole Racing, Inc. and Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club, Inc. (SOKC) engaged in a conspiracy to suppress and eliminate competition, and to restrain trade by allocating intertrack wagering dates. In order to settle the dispute, Florida Jai Alai, Inc. and Seminole Racing, Inc. agreed to refrain from entering into, adhering to, inducing, coercing, enforcing, furthering, or maintaining any agreement to attempt to monopolize intertrack wagering within any relevant market in the State of Florida, except as the same may be consistent with the law in effect at the time of such activity. In addition, the State entered a consent decree with SOKC in which SOKC agreed to refrain from conspiring with others, or acting unilaterally to maintain, further, or enter any agreement to fix or set the terms of, or monopolize intertrack wagering within the state of Florida. Further, SOKC and Seminole Racing, Inc.. agreed to pay $110,835 in administrative costs and reimbursements.