Disaster Preparedness and Response

As chief legal officers of their states, attorneys general have numerous responsibilities during emergency situations and face many challenges before, during, and after disasters. Whether responding to mass shootings, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, cyberattacks, or any other emergency, attorneys general are regularly called upon to react in the heat of the chaotic moment, managing the many…

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Criminal Law

The role of attorneys general with respect to the investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses varies in each state and territory, ranging from complete criminal jurisdiction to no criminal jurisdiction. Regardless of responsibility, most attorneys general have a part in forming criminal justice policy and drafting criminal legislation. Although there are seven types of criminal…

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Consumer Protection

Attorneys general are a leading consumer protection force in the country, generally receiving their authority from state consumer protection laws giving the attorney general primary enforcement responsibility within their state or territory. Some federal statutes also give attorneys general jurisdiction to enforce federal consumer protection laws. Additional consumer protection authority is based on the common law.  Attorneys general serve the public in a…

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Civil Law

The attorney general holds a unique position in state government. Although in most states the attorney general does not act as the local prosecutor, the attorney general, as the chief legal officer, is in charge of all civil legal business for the state. As the chief legal officer of the state, commonwealth, or territory, the…

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Charitable organizations hold and distribute assets for public benefit, playing a vital role in our economy and in people’s lives in general. Unfortunately, some charities lack sufficient internal controls.  State statutory and common law grant attorneys general oversight authority of charitable organizations and assets, including the authority to investigate misappropriation of charitable funds, breaches of fiduciary duty by directors and officers, and fraud in charitable…

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Effective enforcement of the law is at the heart of what attorneys general do. However, just doing all the work to investigate, litigate, or settle a case and obtain a commitment for financial restitution isn’t all the job entails. Any defendant facing a large payment obligation or expenditure as part of a settlement will inevitably consider filing for bankruptcy in the hopes that it can relieve…

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The exposure and punishment of public corruption is an honor to a nation, not a disgrace. The shame lies in toleration, not in correction. . . . If we fail to do all that in us lies to stamp out corruption we can not escape our share of responsibility for the guilt. The first requisite…

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