Deputy prosecuting attorney representing citizens of Kittitas County in central Washington prosecuting criminal matters primary felonies in Superior Court. Formerly, Senior Counsel, Litigation Services Section Chief focused on defending the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Washington State Patrol in Torts for 13 years. Tricia has tried seven Tort cases to jury verdict—Helm, Maziar, McKee, Peralta, Segaline, Moothart, and Ride the Ducks. She is the former the lead client contact for WSDOT, WSP, L&I, and DOH. Tricia excels at theme generating, creating tag lines, and editing. She formerly co-chaired the Summer Law Clerks program for a few years and thoroughly enjoys working with Clerks. She graduated from Gonzaga Law School in 2006, practiced criminal defense for two years defending the wrongly accused from everything from driving under the influence to murder, and first joined the AGO in 2008 representing social workers in juvenile dependency.