Washington, D.C. — As a result of its partnership with the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) International Executive Council voted Nov. 7 to add a NAAG appointee as a permanent voting member.
Montana Attorney General Tim Fox is the current NAAG representative to the LETR executive council. “I’m honored to represent our country’s state and territorial attorneys general on the Law Enforcement Torch Run’s International Executive Council over the next two years,” said Attorney General Tim Fox. “I look forward to continued advocacy and close collaboration among our nation’s law enforcement officers and chief legal officers in support of the opportunities Special Olympics offers for individuals with intellectual disabilities.”
LETR raises funds for and awareness about the Special Olympics. NAAG partnered with LETR late last year to help increase the number of law enforcement officials involved in LETR and related activities.
“The Special Olympics wonderfully provides numerous opportunities for children and adults with intellectual disabilities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and our communities,” said NAAG President and Louisiana AG Jeff Landry. “Our Association is excited to become a permanent member of the LETR Executive Council, and we look forward to further advancing acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities.”
Scott Whyte, chairman of the LETR International Executive Council, said, “Attorney General Fox has been actively engaged in raising awareness of events like the Torch Run that help the Special Olympics movement thrive around the world. General Fox’s efforts to bring the National Association of Attorneys General to this council will help bring the chief law enforcement officers of the American states and territories into the LETR family. This is a dream come true.”
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