Connecticut v. Noank Shipyard, Inc., No. CV-81-0065040 S (Conn. Super Ct. New London Dist. 1981)
October 9, 2020
Marina settled Attorney General’s tying claims (requiring boat owners to have work done by or through defendant marina, purchase materials, services, or supplies from it, and pay a premium for a summer slip for boats not stored there for the winter) via consent decree enjoining such conduct.
IIn re Marina Investigation (Florida 1995)
October 9, 2020
As part of a negotiated settlement, the State of Florida sought to resolve concerns that certain Florida marina companies allegedly illegally tied servicing and/or repair of boats to the rental of boat slips or dry dockage space. The state further investigated the alleged charging of fees to outside/off-site independent or third party contractors for work or repairs performed on tenants’ boats at the marina.