Powers and Duties Decisions
This article reports on decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state attorneys general.
Presidential Council Issues Report Arguing that Ballistics Testimony Should Not be Admitted as Evidence
On Sept. 19, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) issued a report titled "Forensic Science in Criminal Courts: Ensuring Scientific Validity of Feature-Comparison Methods.". This article introduces PCAST and provides an overview of the 174-page report and its recommendations to judges across the nation.
Pitfalls in Rule 30(b)(6) Depositions of Law Enforcement Authorities
This article explores the special problems that arise when a defendant notices the deposition of a civil enforcement plaintiff under Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6) seeking information about the government's case. While depositions of government agencies are explicitly permitted under Rule 30(b)(6), unique problems arise when the agency happens to be a government law office serving as trial counsel in an enforcement action and also conducted or supervised the underlying investigation.
Ransomware: The Cutting-Edge Cybercrime Taking Over the Country and What You Can Do to Stop It
While cybercrime has surpassed illegal drug trafficking as the leading criminal funding scheme, there are certain legal obstacles making prosecution of the perpetrators overseas more difficult. In this article, read about the threats of ransomware on individuals and government entities and how prosecutors can help prevent perpetuating cyber-attacks.
Do Not Call: The History of Do Not Call and How Telemarketing Has Evolved
The Do Not Call service has come a long way since its inception, yet the Federal Trade Commission still received 3.5 million complaints about unwanted calls in fiscal year 2015. Thirty-one states have adopted the National Do Not Call Registry. This article addresses the challenges in stopping unwelcome calls.
Consumer Testimony: How to Prepare and Present Effectively and Ethically at Trial
A senior deputy attorney general from the Bureau of Consumer Protection of the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office highlights the importance of striking a balance ethically and effectively in what can be the most powerful piece of evidence in certain cases.
The Effects of Marijuana Legalization on Employment Law
Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana in varying degrees in recent years. This article explores concerns most commonly faced by employers located in states which have legalized marijuana and provides suggestions for how employers can best navigate this landscape.
Teaching the Logistics of Legislative Drafting in Ethiopia: Part II
Jeromy Pankratz, Assistant Attorney General, South Dakota Attorney General’s Office It was with no small amount of astonishment that I listened to the class discuss with much solemnity their proposed legislation to prevent children of the kingdom from entering the forest while under threat of dragon attack. Wait. It may make more sense to start…