Fighting Corruption through International Cooperation
Public corruption investigations have resulted in record fines, numerous prison sentences, and even political fallout in several Latin American countries. The investigation and prosecution of Odebrecht scandal illustrates some of the ways that countries can work together to reduce public corruption.
The Evolving Debate Over Batson’s Procedures for Peremptory Challenges
This article considers the procedures for obtaining a fair and representative jury, specifically the procedures established in Batson v. Kentucky, and then discusses proposals to strengthen steps one, two, and/or three of those procedures.
“Lawful Investigative Activities,” Pretext, and Rule 8.4(c) of the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct
There are important considerations to ensure a lawyer’s oversight complies with local ethics rules. This article addresses Colorado’s rule and provides practical considerations for lawyers to consider in conducting their own such investigations.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
A report on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state and territory attorneys general.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
A report on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state and territory attorneys general.
State Action Immunity Update
The state action immunity doctrine is an important protection for state regulatory boards and other non-state entities.
A Reinterpretation With Unintended Consequences: Did the USDOJ Just Declare Your State Lottery Illegal?
In sum, the 2018 Opinion could directly impact one of the state’s most meaningful sources of revenue—the state lottery.