Connecticut v. Koppers Co., Inc., et al, No. N-79-284 (D.Conn. 1978)
October 9, 2020
Liquid bituminous material (road tar) sealing companies resolved Attorney General?s claims of price fixing and unlawful market allocation via entry of consent decree enjoining such conduct and payment of a monetary forfeiture.
Connecticut v. Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc., et al. (In re: Electrical Wiring Devices Antitrust Litigation)No. H-79-64 (D. Conn. 1978)
October 9, 2020
Various manufacturers of electrical wiring devices settled Attorney General’s claims of price fixing via entry of consent decree prohibiting such conduct and payment of monetary forfeiture. Parallel USDOJ criminal case
Wisconsin v. The Wisconsin Chiropractic Ass’n , Case No. 01CV3568, Circuit Court Dane County (December 2001)
October 9, 2020
Complaint alleged that WCA and Leonard orchestrated a conspiracy among WCA members to increase prices for chiropractic services and to boycott third-party payers.