Supreme Court Allows Creditors to Retain Assets Lawfully Seized Prior to Bankruptcy

The Bankruptcy Code (title 11 of the United States Code) provides numerous protections for debtors when they file a bankruptcy petition. Those protections include an automatic stay of “any act to obtain possession of . . . or to exercise control over property of the estate.” §362(a)(3). Section 542(a) of the Code states that a…

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Notice Issues in the Age of Social Media

Read carefully, Mullane requires that courts must constantly examine the methods of notice they are using and rethink their approach to giving notice.

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Read My Lips: No New Fees | Recognizing and Recovering “Tax” Claims in Bankruptcy Cases

While the U.S. Supreme Court and various circuit courts have tried to provide guidance on how best to determine whether a particular obligation owed to a government entity is a "tax," "fee," "penalty," or a simple contract debt, clarity on the subject remains lacking. This article aims to offer more clarity and ensure governments that find themselves in bankruptcy cases can avoid state losses.

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