Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
A report on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state and territory attorneys general.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
A report on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state and territory attorneys general.
NAAG Publishes 4th Edition of Book Exploring the Role of State Attorneys General
Washington, D.C. — The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) announced the publication of a new edition of “State Attorneys General Powers and Responsibilities,” the most authoritative and complete source for information about state attorney general offices. Now in its fourth edition, the book is the only publication that fully explores the unique office of state attorney general, including…
A Reinterpretation With Unintended Consequences: Did the USDOJ Just Declare Your State Lottery Illegal?
In sum, the 2018 Opinion could directly impact one of the state’s most meaningful sources of revenue—the state lottery.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
This article reports on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state attorneys general.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
This article reports on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state and territory attorneys general.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
This article reports on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state attorneys general.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
This article reports on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state attorneys general.
Recent Powers and Duties Decisions
This article reports on the latest decisions across the country affecting the powers and duties of state attorneys general.
State Sovereign Immunity
Under the doctrine of "state sovereign immunity," a state cannot be sued in federal and state court without its consent, except in limited circumstances. This article walks through Supreme Court jurisprudence on sovereign immunity and explains the different regimes that states have adopted.