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Start: August 9

End: August 10

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Des Moines, IA

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August 9-10, 2022
Des Moines, IA

The 2022 NAAG Presidential Summit is taking place from August 9-10 in Des Moines, Iowa. It is hosted by NAAG President and Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller as part of his 2022 NAAG Presidential Initiative Consumer Protection 2.0: Tech Threats and Tools.

Join the attorney general community for multiple plenary sessions related to the Initiative. The agenda is still being developed, with potential topics to include privacy laws and legislation, internet of things, social media’s impact on children, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, the right to repair, the relationship between the aging brain and susceptibility to scams, and more. The Summit will also include sessions featuring federal agency representatives.

The Summit will begin the evening of Monday, August 8, with a reception and end early afternoon on Wednesday, August 10.

The event is open to members of the public including the private, nonprofit, and government sectors.

View the Agenda


Online registration is now closed. 

Please email Emily Parsons at eparsons@naag.org with any questions.

Room Block

NAAG has secured a room block at the Embassy Suites in Des Moines, Iowa. The group rate is $149/night plus tax. This rate will be available until Monday, July 18, 2022, or until the block is full, whichever comes first. Enter code “ATG” into the SPECIAL RATE field to get the group rate.

Cancellation Policy

If you would like to request a registration cancellation or refund, please contact Emily Parsons at eparsons@naag.org for more information.

CLE Credit

NAAG will apply for CLE for eligible attendees per CLE accrediting body guidelines.