Navigating the New Title IX Regulations is the fourth and final webinar in the NAGTRI Civil Rights Webinar Series.
In this webinar, we will discuss the new Title IX regulations that recently went into effect, and the significant implications for state universities and other clients of the attorney general community. This webinar examines those changes, challenges with implementing them, and the impact of the Supreme Court’s Bostock decision on the new regulations.
CLE Credit
CLE will be provided for individuals who have fully attended and participated in this webinar. Please note, you are not required to attend each webinar in the series to receive credit, however, CLE will not be processed for this series until following the conclusion of the program on December 15th. View NAGTRI’s CLE policy.
If you or anyone in your office has any questions, please contact Maria Humayun at mhumayun@naag.org.