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Start: January 11

End: January 14

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This intensive, online advocacy course consists of eight on-demand lessons covering different aspects of trial advocacy, followed by a live, four-day online session where participants will various trial skills based on a fictional case file.

  • The on-demand lessons consist of videos, PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and self-work for participants to prepare for the live session. Pre-work will take an estimated 8 hours to complete in advance of the training.
  • The online session finishes with the participants performing a full mock trial.

Please note, we will be using a civil case file for this training.

Scholarship Nominations

Nominations are open until December 21, 2020.

This basic program is intended for attorneys with minimal trial experience.

NAGTRI will provide a limited number of scholarships to selected participants to participate in the training. Offices are not guaranteed a slot, though NAGTRI makes every effort to accept nominees from as many attorney general offices as possible for each training.

Contact your nominator: If you are interested in attending this training, click the button below and follow the instructions to contact your office’s NAGTRI Nominator and submit your interest.

Express Your Interest

CLE Credit

Individuals who full attend and participate in this training will eligible for CLE credit. View NAGTRI’s CLE policy.

If you or anyone in your office has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Maria Humayun at mhumayun@naag.org.