NAAG Submits Comment Letter on Beneficial Ownership Regulations

Our comments are consistent with the sense of Congress, which requires that regulations “to the greatest extent practicable… collect information in a form and manner that is reasonably designed to generate a database that is highly useful to… law enforcement agencies…” NDAA § 6402(8)(C).

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NAAG Supports Funding for Legal Services Corporation (LSC)

LSC funding has also fostered public-private partnerships between legal aid
organizations and private firms and attorneys across the country which donate their
time and skills to assist residents in need. Nationwide, 132 independent nonprofit
legal aid programs rely on this federal funding to provide services to nearly two
million of our constituents on an annual basis.

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NAAG Endorses EAGLES Act

No one person or entity can achieve these goals alone. Preventing targeted violence demands a multi-faceted approach toward a solution and calls for coordination among law enforcement officials, lawmakers, educators, parents and students, and community members. Moreover, reducing targeted violence in our schools requires partnership between state and federal agencies – precisely the type of collaboration contemplated by the EAGLES Act.

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NAAG Urges OfferUp to Prevent the Sales of Fraudulent Vaccine Cards

The false and deceptive marketing and sales of fake COVID vaccine cards threatens the health of our communities, slows progress in getting our residents protected from the virus, and are a violation of the laws of many states.

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NAAG Works to Prevent the Online Sale of Fraudulent COVID Vaccination Cards

The false and deceptive marketing and sales of fake COVID vaccine cards threaten the health of our communities, slow progress in getting our residents protected from the virus, and are a violation of the laws of many states.

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NAAG Sends Letter to USDOJ Condemning January 6 Violence at U.S. Capitol

We all just witnessed a very dark day in America. The events of January 6 represent a direct, physical challenge to the rule of law and our democratic republic itself. Together, we will continue to do our part to repair the damage done to institutions and build a more perfect union. As Americans, and those charged with enforcing the law, we must come together to condemn lawless violence, making clear that such actions will not be allowed to go unchecked.

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NAAG Asks FDA for Progress Update Under the SUPPORT Act

We have witnessed first-hand the devastation that the opioid epidemic has wrought on states in terms of lives lost and the costs it has imposed on our healthcare system and the broader economy.

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NAAG Supports Daniel’s Law

The Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act honors the memory of the son of Judge Esther Salas of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. Daniel was tragically killed on July 19, 2020, when an armed assailant—a deranged attorney who had appeared in a case before Judge Salas—appeared at her home and opened fire. Daniel was only 20. Judge Salas’s husband was also shot in the attack. 

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NAAG Urges Congress to Extend CARES Act Spending Deadline

With COVID-19 cases rising daily in much of the country and many states still under a health emergency declaration, we urge Congress to amend the CRF program to allow state and local governments to spend the funding at least until December 31, 2021.

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Attorneys General Urge Senate to Pass Law to Fight Shell Companies

As our States’ chief legal officers, we are concerned about the use of American financial institutions for money laundering by terrorist groups and other criminal enterprises.

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