Maine v. Trainor, No. CV-87-260 (Kennebec Super. Ct. July 1987)
October 9, 2020
State’s complaint alleged conspiracy to monopolize ownership and control of commercial solid waste landfills in the state and violation so fsecurities laws by an entierprise engaged in development, ownership and control of commercial solid waste landfills.
West Virginia ex rel. McGraw v. Mid-American Waste Systems of West Virginia, Inc., No. 97-C-255 (Cir. Ct. Wood Cty. 1997)
October 9, 2020
Owner of only landfillin area sought to monopolize market by use of evergreen contracts
West Virginia ex rel. Tompkins v. Northwestern Disposal Co. et al., No. 90-C-130 (Cir. Ct. Wood Cty. 1990).
October 9, 2020
Case alleged monopolization by owner of only landfill within geographic area.