Utah v. Fletcher, Case No. 860358-CA (Utah)
October 9, 2020
Companion case to Utah v. Thompson, which was case of first impression as a criminal prosecution under the Utah Antitrust Act. Defendatns were found guilty of criminally violating the anti-group-boycott provisions of the Utah Antitrsut Act.
Utah v. Thompson, 751 P.2d 805; 77 Utah Ad. Rep. 34; 1988 Utah App. LEXIS 32, 1988-1 Trade Cas. (CCH) 67,925 (1988)
October 9, 2020
Case of first impression as a criminal prosecution under the Utah Antitrust Act. Defendatns were found guilty of criminally violating the anti-group-boycott provisions of the Utah Antitrsut Act.