Florida, et al. v. Nine West Group, Inc. and John Doe, 1-500, 80 F. Supp.2d 181 (S.D.N.Y. 2000); No. 00-CV-1707 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 14, 2000)

Plaintiff States sought damages and injunctive relief, alleging that Nine West Group (Nine West) conspired with unnamed dealers to set the minimum resale price at
which retailers were permitted to sell women’s dress shoes to customers.

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Attorneys General Call for New Consumer Protections to Protect Airline Industry Customers

State attorneys general are on the front lines of protecting American consumers from deceptive and unfair practices by industries. To that end, we strongly urge Congress that any further financial relief provided to the airline industry be coupled with, or followed by, appropriate consumer protection measures.

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NAAG Urges Creative Community to Protect Young Viewers from Tobacco Imagery

NAAG is urging the five creative Guilds involved in producing and developing streamed movies and programs to take action to protect young viewers from tobacco imagery. A copy of the letter was sent to the Directors Guild of America, Producers Guild of America, Screenwriters Guild of America, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio…

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NAAG to Congress: Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act

As the legislative history of VAWA has shown, members from both sides of the aisle have come together to strengthen existing protections and fill gaps in the law. We, therefore, urge you to work together as leaders of your respective caucuses and committees to act before VAWA expires and pass a VAWA reauthorization bill that continues to ensure our nation’s most vulnerable victims are not left behind.

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NAAG Supports Equal Coronavirus Relief Funding for the District of Columbia

We believe that the District should receive $1.25 billion for purposes of the relief package. The District has nearly 200 confirmed coronavirus cases, which outpaces nearly two dozen states and territories. Indeed, as a densely populated urban center, the District is uniquely vulnerable to the spread of the virus and is already experiencing significant economic loss due to the ongoing public health emergency.

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