Wisconsin vs. Thomas J. Orlandini and Falls Floor Covering. Circuit Court Milwaukee County, 1994CM411268 (December 1994)

The complaint alleged that Falls and another contractor (Thomas J. Mason) coordinated the submission of complementary bids as prime contractors on two Milwaukee County projects.

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Thomas J. Mason, Company, Inc.; Thomas J. Mason; Jeffrey G. Schultz ,Circuit Court Milwaukee County, Case No. F951464 (July 1995)

The complaint alleged that Mason and his company submitted complementary or phony bids on floor covering projects under an agreement with Falls Floor Covering, Inc., a Waukesha flooring company.

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State of Tennessee v. James Beatty

The Defendant and others discussed, exchanged information, or agreed with each other before bids were opened as to which person or entity would be the successful bidder. The Defendant and others agreed between or among themselves to allocate certain territories, governmental entities, private businesses, or other areas.

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State of Tennessee v. Jack Pittman & Associates

The Defendant and others discussed, exchanged information, or agreed with each other before bids were opened as to which person or entity would be the successful bidder. The Defendant and others agreed between or among themselves to allocate certain territories, governmental entities, private businesses, or other areas.

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State of Tennessee v. Linda Beatty A/K/A Maryville Waste Oil

The Defendant and others discussed, exchanged information, or agreed with each other before bids were opened as to which person or entity would be the successful bidder. The Defendant and others agreed between or among themselves to allocate certain territories, governmental entities, private businesses, or other areas.

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