Teaching the Logistics of Legislative Drafting in Ethiopia: Part II

Jeromy Pankratz, Assistant Attorney General, South Dakota Attorney General’s Office It was with no small amount of astonishment that I listened to the class discuss with much solemnity their proposed legislation to prevent children of the kingdom from entering the forest while under threat of dragon attack. Wait. It may make more sense to start…

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Teaching the Logistics of Legislative Drafting in Ethiopia: Part I

In late October 2015, I had the privilege of conducting a five-day training session for the Office of Legal Counsel of the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The training focused on the basics of legislative drafting, with an emphasis on drafting domestic legislation to implement international treaties. The training was sponsored by the…

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A Front-Row Seat to Courage and Law

Courage comes in many forms, but its basic principle is immutable – the ability of humans to act for the greater good in the face of danger. As we write this article, in Macedonia, a group of independent prosecutors specially selected to investigate and prosecute corruption within their own government, embody courage. Their story is…

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NAGTRI’s International Fellows Program

The National Attorneys General Training and Research Institute (NAGTRI) will host its sixth annual International Fellows Program this June. The program provides the opportunity for participants from all over the world to work collaboratively on the global legal issues they face in their roles as government attorneys.

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