GTE Inside Wire Investigation (1995)
As part of a negotiated settlement, the State of Florida sought to permanently enjoin GTE Florida Incorporated (GTE) from continuing its sales tactics concerning its ?Lineskeeper Inside Wire Maintenance? service. The state alleged that once the service became optional, GTE would automatically enroll customers unless they notified GTE that they did not want the service, hence constituting an illegal tying arrangement.
Maine v. Scott Paper Co., 1987-2 Trade Cas. 67,786 (Somerset Super. Ct., Me., Nov. 25, 1987)
State’s complaint charged paper manufacturer with tying purchase of pulpwood from contractors or brokers to the purchase of sawlogs by the contractor or broker.
Maine v. McCain Foods, 1987-2 Trade Case. (CCH) ¶¶ 67, 798 (Me. Super. Ct. 1987)
Complaint charged potato processor with tying, specifically that processor conditioned award of sought-after seasonal potato contracts on growers’ purchases of fertilizer or agricultural equipment or machinery manufactured by processor’s affiliate.
West Virginia ex rel. McGraw v. Visa USA, Inc. et al., No. 03-C-551 (Cir. Ct. Ohio Cty. 2003)
The State sued Visa and Mastercard claiming the companies used their market power in general credit cards to force merchants to accept their branded debit cards. The high cost of accepting the branded debit cards forced retailers to charge consumers more for goods purchased. As a settlement, Visa paid $9.3 million and MasterCard paid $2.3 million to state, which was used to fund a tax holiday on Energy Star products, and a total of $600,000 to the Attorney General’s revolving fund.
Delaware v. White House Beach, Inc., No. 6882, (Del. Ch. filed Jul. 14, 1982)
Delaware sought civil penalties, injunctive relief, damages, fees and costs, alleging Defendants, White House Beach, Inc. and White House Beach Mobil Home Sales engaged in an illegal tying arrangement by conditioning the lease of a lot upon the purchase of a new mobile home.
Delaware v. Reybold Homes, Inc., No. 6966, (Del. Ch. Final Consent Order signed Oct. 21, 1982)
Delaware sought civil penalties, injunctive relief, damages, fees and costs, alleging Defendant, Reybold Homes, Inc. engaged in an illegal tying arrangement by conditioning the lease of a lot upon the purchase of a new mobile home.
Delaware v. Camelot Mobile Home Park, Inc., No. 6425 (Del. Ch. filed Apr. 10, 1981).
Delaware sought civil penalties, injunctive relief, damages, fees and costs, alleging Defendant, Camelot Mobile Home Park, Inc. engaged in an illegal tying arrangement by conditioning the lease of a lot upon the purchase of a new mobile home.
Delaware v. Bayshore, Inc., No. 6424 (Del. Ch. filed Apr. 10, 1981).
Delaware sought civil penalties, injunctive relief, damages, fees and costs, alleging Defendant, Bayshore, Inc. engaged in an illegal tying arrangement by conditioning the lease of a lot upon the purchase of a new mobile home.
Utah v. Evans Broadcasting, 963 P.2d 177 (Utah 1998); 1998-1 Trade Cas. (CCH) 72, 192, No. 980800622 (8th Jud. Dist. Ct., Uintah Cty. 1998)
State alleged that radio stations owned by family members were conspiring to monopolize radio advertising in the Uintah Basin of Utah.
In the Matter of Warren Supply
Company tied satellite programming and other products to purchase of digital satellite systems.