Ohio v. The Frederick C. Smith Clinic, Inc., et al., No. 98 CV 0033 (Oh. Ct. Comm. Pleas 1998)
State of Ohio filed suit to preclude the merger of Marion General Hospital and MedCenter Hospital. Concern centered on competition in the market for outpatient services. Case settled.
Ohio v. Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc.
State of Ohio filed suit on behalf of 25 Toledo area school districts claiming that BFI and its competitors allocated the waste removal market in the Toldeo/Lucas county area. Case was settled
Utah v. Western Dairymen Cooperative, Inc., Civ.No. 89090147 (3rd Dist. Utah 1989)
The State of Utah brought this action against Western Dairyment cooperative, Meadow Gold Dairies and others alleging price-fixing and market allocation agreements with regard to milk and milk products sold in Utah.
Utah v. Stericycle, Inc. (Civ. No. 2:03 CV 49) (D.Utah 2003)
State of Utah alleged Stericycle and BFI Waste Systems of North America colluded to allocate markets and customers in Utah, Colorado, and Arizona
California ex. rel. Lockyer v. The Vons Companies, Inc. (C.D. Cal CV 05-8972 DSF January 03, 2006).
Vons allegedly monopolized the grocery store market for the City of Avalon on Santa Catalina Island, 26 miles from Los Angeles six years ago by accepting and later renewing a lease from Santa Catalina Island Company on a grocery store site when Vons owned and operated the only other grocery store in town. The Consent Decree required the divestiture of the lease to a new tenant and imposed ongoing obligations relating to both the store owned by Vons as well as the store leased by Vons from Santa Catalina Island Company.
Utah v. Signing Resource, LLC, et al. (Civ. No. 050909852) (3rd Dis. Utah, 2005)
State brought action against sign language interpreters alleging bid-rigging and price fixing in the market for sign language interpreters provided to State agencies in Utah
Utah v. Oldcastle, Inc. (Civ. No. 2:02CV0516J (D.Utah 2002)
State of Utah sought to enjoin Oldcastle from purchsing major competitor, U.S. Aggregates, alleging the merger would tend to create a monopoly and potentially result in higher asphalt prices along the Wasatch Front in Utah
Utah v. Nuttall Bernina (Civ. No. 000903757 (3rd Dist. Utah, 2000)
State of Utah investigated Nuttall Bernina and Dave’s Bernina, alleging market allocation, price fixing and bid-rigging in sales of Bernina sewing machines to school districts in Salt Lake and Utah counties.
Utah v. Alvey et al., (Civ. No. 94334) (2nd Dist. Utah 1985)
State of Utah investigated defendants Northern Utah Body Shop Association, William Alvey, Clair Baur and other auto body repair shops in the Ogden Utah area, alleging they conspired and encouraged others to conspire to fix labor prices and otherwise restrict and artificially raise and maintain prices for auto body work.
Utah v. Curb-King, INc. (Civ. No. 040100254 MI)(1st Dist. Utah 2004)
State alleged Curb-King and Duane Patterson solicited co-conspirators to fix the price of contrete curbing services in the Utah market